Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 40-41/365: Nursing her Baby Dolls and Maternity Badge

First of all, I want to sincerely thank all of you for all the well wishes for our upcoming baby. I'm overwhelmed with the love and concern I have been getting from my family, friends and digi/cyber friends.

I will still try to do my photo a day project, but I'm not sure if hubby can post and process my photos everyday as he will take a leave from work and be with me in the hospital. If not, I will post all the pics once we arrive home.
Day 41/365: Maternity Badge

Tomorrow will be the last time I'll use this maternity badge. Rail companies in Tokyo are handing out badges to pregnant women in the hope they prompt commuters to give up their seats on the capital's crowded trains. The badges come in pink and blue and have the words "There is a baby in my stomach" printed on them. Although this has been very useful for me while riding the train, of course there were the occasional inconsiderate people seating on the priority seats and pretending to sleep or simply ignoring a pregnant woman in front of them.

Day 40/365: Nursing her Baby Dolls

As I was nursing her, she said her baby dolls are sick too and need to be treated. So she got her Hello Kitty med kit and tried to check her dollies. Hubby loves this shot amongst the ones that I've taken.

Thanks for stopping by, as always! Truly appreciate it. I have to go and finish packing as we have to leave at 9AM tomorrow. :)

Take Care everyone and see you again! ;)


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 38-39/365: Not so well...

Day 39/365

Just a quick post before I put Rein to bed, she's still not feeling well. This is Rein with her friend "JM". They're trying to read together. Rein really loves to see JM and Issabelle (JM's younger sister). Taken at St. Ignatius Church after attending Sunday Mass. This is on a big grass lawn just outside the church where kids can run and play.

We managed to get up early and attend the Sunday mass. Rein is kinda cranky and vomited on our way to the church. She's been saying that her tummy is still ouchy even though she's taking meds already.

As for me, my voice is kinda hoarse and I got an infected throat, dry cough and clogged nose. Yuck!!! I should get well before Wednesday or else I don't know.

Day 38/365

I wasn't able to post this yesterday as we are all kinda ill. I took this photo before Rein and her Papa went to the clinic for a check-up. Hubby doesn't want me to come to avoid any virus since I'm giving birth next week and my Anesthesiologist told me that I should be free from colds and cough. I'm under medication now.

I just want to share this with Rein when she's all grown up. She asked me sf she could take a look at the camera and got this look so I snapped another photo of her.

Hopefully tomorrow things will get back to normal and I can go back to my normal sched before the baby is born. Got some pages to post and need to inform my team that I will be MIA for awhile.

Thanks for stopping by! :) Hope you guys are having a good time! Really appreciate your concerns.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 37/365: Last Fetal Non Stress Test

Fetal NST (Non Stress Test) Machine at St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo. Yay! Finally we made it, my last visit to the OB and NST result was okay. I'm having some contractions already but the doctor checked and she said that everything is still fine. Hubby's with me, as always. Thanks to him for always accompanying me during my trips to the hospital.

Rein is not feeling well. She's been vomiting since this morning and we are going to see a doctor tomorrow morning to check if it's stomach flu or not. We need to get her ready as I am going to be admitted to the hospital on Wednesday and she'll be with her Papa and grandma the whole time. I have been feeling a little ill due to cold weather, my throat is kinda infected.

Have a great weekend!

Thanks for dropping by! Miss reading your post, I promise to catch up!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 36/365: My Baby Bag

Special thanks to my sister-in-law, Cay, for getting this baby bag from Manila. This will be my baby bag for "Sherysse Caleigh". I love the color combo that when I saw it from the link that she gave me, I knew this will be perfect for me. I have been checking the Etsy Store for bags but I always end up looking for bootsie and other baby clothes there instead.

My little helper seriously assisting me in getting all of Caleigh's going away outfit. We'll have another round of check-up tomorrow and probably my last NST. Then next week, Febuary 11, we'll be in the hospital. Gosh! This time next week, we'll have our baby Caleigh.

This weekend, hubby plans to have another round of Chili Crab at the Seafood Republic of Singapore in Shinagawa. Actually, I asked for it before I get sliced. :) LOL

Thanks for stopping by! Have a fabulous day/night!

TC :)


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 35/365: Slide...

This is my POTD. Rein really loves to slide and was having a blast at the Park even in a cold weather. She was waving and saying "Hi" to other kids and doesn't want to leave the Park even though it was getting late and we have to go home to prepare dinner. Not much for today, tomorrow I will prepare my baby bag and fill up all the documents needed by the hospital. The weather is cloudy today.

Thanks for stopping by, I'm off to bed and visit you tomorrow.

Have a fabulous day/night! ;)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 34/365: Upside down...

First of all, I want to thank all of you for all the well wishes for the upcoming baby. It means a lot to me. Thanks also to those who sent private messages and left comments on Facebook and Yahoo Messenger. I truly appreciate it! :)

Not much for today. We stayed home and relaxed all day. I took a nap and tried to scrap some pages for the teams that I am working with. This pic is Rein's favorite among the ones we took today. She is well aware of my situation and is very cooperative today. I promised her that we will go out tomorrow so she said that I should rest 100 minutes more. Currently, her favorite phrase! LOL

Hubby arrived around 8pm and we are going to watch Heroes.

As always, thanks for stopping by! Have a fabulous day/night! ;)

TC (Take Care)


Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 33/365: Bicycle Ride

This morning, while having a late breakfast, Rein kept telling me and my mom that she really wants to ride her bike. So we decided to give in since it's sunny although the weather is still cold at 4-8C. She had had fun and even called her Papa just to tell him that she's riding the bike, finally!

Our satellite TV company didn't cover the Super Bowl so we weren't able to watch the live coverage but I was able to get a copy already and we are going to watch the game tonight once hubby arrives from work.

I only have 10 days left before I give birth to Caleigh. Honestly, I'm excited and at the same time nervous and scared. I have been reading some cases of pregnant women who died because they were refused admittance by several hospitals here in Tokyo when they had an emergency. Please check this if you have time: Death of a rejected patient. I’m surprised that this happened in Tokyo and to think that Japan is a first world country and really known for superior medical services. St. Luke's International Hospital made sure that I will be well taken cared of and gave us the emergency numbers in case of early delivery. I am having mild contractions and recording it, I guess I'm kinda stressed.

How was your weekend? Hope you all have a great time.

Thanks for stopping by, as always. Take Care :)


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